Internship eligibility requirement: Stanford Undergraduate and Graduate students (MBA, MSx, MA, MS, PhD) may participate
About the company: We are a family-run business exporting annatto and producing its derivatives in the Ivory Coast. We produce natural colors destined for the food industry, which is seeing a shift from synthetic to natural. This shift and growth is an integral part of our value proposition; this extends to strong value chain relationships and social impact.
Project Description: Annatto Colorants Sarl is a fairly young company located in rural Africa, which experienced a difficult rise. Our hiring process from the onset was not strategic and long term. Because of this, our staff from top to bottom, despite immense potential, lacks the discipline, union and accountability required to evolve into a world class ISO 22000 certified manufacturing facility, which is not only required by our client, but is an ambitious goal for the company - 'to be come a reference in the natural solutions industry'. In order to attain these objectives, a certain culture has to be put into place that reflects aspects such as performance, best practice, and union, and notably a change in mindset from operators towards these values. Quality systems such as ISO 22000 require an elaborate set of rules, regulations, procedures and processes to be followed, but a change in habits, behavior, and mindset is the imperative simultaneous step. We have so far updated our missions, values and vision together as a company, and as well tried to implement a performance management and bonus scheme. However, we still have a long way to go to improve and develop the culture in the organization.