Internship eligibility requirement: Stanford Undergraduates and Graduate students (MBA, MSx, MA, MS, PhD) may participate
About the company: Buzzworks Business Services is tackling the problem of raising India from poverty by providing both employment and employability to a wide spectrum of people through contract staffing. Income, respect, and hope come guaranteed with every job the company creates.
Project Description: The company is seeking an intern who could shadow the founder from the perspective of a services business. Buzzworks has undergone a large change in organization structure and will grow to 10X its current size by this time next year (through a process of mergers and reverse mergers). The founder's role is to ensure that competing cultures and systems do not derail the company from the growth path that we have put ourselves on. The intern's role is to complement both the founder as well as his executive assistant to ensure that the building blocks of the transformation plan are executed on all fronts including communication, culture, compliance and commitment across the myriad entities that will make up the conglomerate across businesses and geographies. We hope to inject the same entrepreneurial spirit and "can do" attitude that characterizes Buzzworks currently, through the rank and file.