Internship eligibility requirement: Stanford Undergraduates and Graduate students (MBA, MSx, MA, MS, PhD) may participate
About the company: Buzzworks Business Services is tackling the problem of raising India from poverty by providing both employment and employability to a wide spectrum of people through contract staffing. Income, respect, and hope come guaranteed with every job the company creates.
Project Description: The company is seeking an intern who could understand and optimize corporate governance from the perspective of a services business. Buzzworks has undergone a large change in organization structure and has grown at a terrific pace. This has led to the need to be more consciousness about governance. It's important to reexamine the planning with the fresh eyes of an intern and also to improvise, if required, to keep the company agile, scalable, and more mature on the corporate front. The company would use the intern’s input to better responsibilities of the board include setting the company's strategic aims, providing the leadership to put them into effect, and supervising the management of the business.