See maximum funding amount and funding details below
Open To:
Applications closed
Applications closed on February 23, 2022
Application deadline: February 23, 2022 at 5:00pm PT
The Stanford Bio-X Leadership Council is pleased to announce the 19th annual competition for Stanford Bio-X Graduate Student Fellowships and for Wu Tsai Neurosciences Institute and Stanford ChEM-H Fellowships.
The Stanford Bio-X Graduate Fellowship Program awards current Stanford graduate students whose research interests are interdisciplinary in nature. The awardees are selected by a Faculty review committee and are provided three years of full tuition and stipend. Because Bio-X Fellows work on the cutting edge at the intersection of disciplines, their potential to generate transformative discoveries for the benefit of human health is profound.
To date, the Bio-X Fellowship program has awarded 343 fellowships. Graduates of the program hold professorships at Stanford and its peer institutions, and continue to transition to successful careers in the industry sector. Many have co-founded start-up companies.
The Stanford Bio-X Bowes fellowships are made possible by funding from an endowment from William K. Bowes and also funding from the William K. Bowes Foundation while the Stanford Bio-X SIGFs, SIGFs affiliated with the Wu Tsai Neurosciences Institute or with Stanford ChEM-H are made possible by other generous donors. These donations are helping Stanford strengthen graduate training in interdisciplinary biosciences, thereby spurring important new advances in science and engineering.
Applications will be considered for the Stanford Bio-X Bowes Fellowships, Bio-X SIGFs, SIGFs affiliated with the Wu Tsai Neurosciences Institute or with Stanford ChEM-H. Collectively, 26 Fellowships will be awarded to provide funding for three years beginning Fall Quarter 2022.