Dept. of Developmental Biology Summer Research Program 2023
Sponsored by
Department of Developmental Biology
Undergraduate Research, VPUE
See maximum funding amount and funding details below
Open To:
Applications closed
Applications closed on April 24, 2023
Approximate Offer Date:
Saturday, May 7, 2022
The Department of Developmental Biology has a limited amount of funding from the VPUE Summer Undergraduate Research Program to support 10-week research projects in Summer 2023. The funds provide a full stipend for the summer quarter.
The full-time research projects will be based in departmental labs. Interested students should contact a Developmental Biology faculty member who would be willing to supervise a summer research project. You are encouraged to learn more about the faculty’s research interests on their lab pages before contacting them.
What you will do
Conduct research on a topic of importance to the host lab
Work closely with a grad student/postdoc mentor
Learn to critically evaluate scientific literature
Participate in departmental socials
Give mid-term updates and final presentation
Eligibility and Requirements:
Eligibility and Requirements
The program is open to current Stanford undergraduates who are enrolled in studies for both Spring 2023 and Fall 2023. Grantees may not receive any credits or other funding for the research project, may not enroll in more than 5 units of summer coursework, and may not work more 10 hours per week outside of the project. Additionally, the grant may not be used to support an honor’s thesis project.
There will be three meetings in the 1st, 4th and 10th weeks of summer quarter. You and your mentor are expected to attend all three meetings, and will you be required to present a project update at the midterm meeting and give a final presentation at the last meeting.