Summer 2023 CareerEd Fellows Stipend Program
Internships, externships, and projects are great ways to apply what you are learning in class to real world environments while exploring different industries and roles, learning new skills, and making professional connections. The CareerEd Fellows Stipend allows students who have secured a qualifying unpaid internship, externship, or project during Summer Quarter 2023 to apply for up to $6,500 in funding.
Funding Criteria:
Funding is awarded based on the length of the opportunity, weekly hours, financial need, and availability of funds. Date of application may be considered if eligible applications exceed available funds, so submit your application as early as possible.
To Apply:
- Complete the application form in SOLO
- Send your Supervisor/Mentor the link to the Employer Agreement form and follow up to ensure they complete it by April 16th at 11:59pm Pacific. (Students are not allowed to complete the form on behalf of their employer, and applications will not be considered without the completed form.)
- If we have any follow up questions to determine eligibility we will schedule a brief interview with you or reach out directly to your employer.
- Once all applications have been reviewed, we will share the outcomes with all applicants (late April to early May). We do not have the ability to provide outcomes or likelihood of funding prior to that time since it will be dependent upon the full pool of applicants.
Application Deadline:
- Deadline for Summer Quarter 2023: Sunday, April 16th, 2023 at 11:59p.m. PST
- Applications will not be accepted after this date
- Date of submission will be used to help prioritize applications if needed
Before you apply for the CareerEd Fellows Stipend program, please make sure that you meet the following qualifications.
Student Qualifications
- You're an undergraduate student who is currently enrolled and in good academic standing
- You have already received an offer for an unpaid internship, externship, or project.
Your opportunity must...
- Be unpaid and meet unpaid internship requirements outlined in the Fair Labor Standards Act from the Department of Labor.
- Take place during Summer 2023 between June 19th and September 22nd (funding is not available for work done outside of these dates)
- Be three (3) or more weeks in duration and between 5 and 40 hours per week
- Have a supervisor/mentor who is willing to confirm the opportunity meets the eligibility requirements, provide guidance throughout your employment, certify completion of the opportunity and provide final feedback, and who is not a family member or friend, is not a current student, and is a paid full-time employee of the organization with 2+ years of professional experience.
- Not be a company/organization that is owned/run by you, your family or friends.
- Include professional experience and skill development opportunities that are aligned with your interests.
Opportunities can be located outside the US assuming:
- The opportunity aligns with the Stanford International Travel Policy
- The student and opportunity meet all other eligibility requirements
Please be sure to provide adequate information about the organization and your supervisor so we are able to confirm that the opportunity meets all requirements.
Ineligible Opportunities and Limitations
- University Research-related opportunities: Research done on campus or at another higher education institution typically will not be considered for funding. For grants supporting research, please explore grants offered through Undergraduate Research.
- Stanford-based opportunities: A goal of the CareerEd Fellows program is for students to explore career opportunities outside of the Stanford environment, and to begin to build a professional network. Opportunities based at Stanford may not qualify for CareerEd Fellows Stipends.
- Student- or Volunteer-led organizations: Opportunities must include supervision by a full-time paid employee of the company/organization. Organizations that are student-led, whether by Stanford students or students from another school, or organizations that are volunteer-led are not eligible because they can not meet this requirement.
- Fees for placement/sending organizations: CareerEd Fellows Stipends will not be issued for opportunities that require fees from third-party placement organizations or volunteer sending organizations.
- Faith-based organizations: Working with a faith-based organization may be supported by CareerEd Fellows, but the organization must be inclusive in who they serve, non-proselytizing, and nonpartisan.
- Political-related opportunities: CareerEd Fellows Stipends cannot be used for work with political campaigns or partisan organizations, including any official party work.
- Previously funded opportunities: Students may be eligible to receive a second CareerEd Fellows stipend for a subsequent opportunity with the same organization if the second opportunity includes unique or expanded professional experience.
- Funding limit: While students may apply for CareerEd Fellows stipends more than once, the maximum total funding that a student can receive from this program over the course of their time at Stanford is limited to $10,000.
Check the CareerEd Fellows Webpage for a more comprehensive list of requirements.